The Progressive Era Test B Answer Key

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The Progressive Era Test B Answer Key

[FREE] The Progressive Era Test B Answer Key | updated!

Posted on 21-May-2021

Paradoxically, the disfranchisement of Black voters was considered a reform by white Progressives in southern states who felt that it eliminated a major source of electoral corruption; segregation or Jim Crow laws imposed at the same time were also...

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The Progressive Era Test B Answer Key

[DOWNLOAD] The Progressive Era Test B Answer Key | HOT!

Posted on 28-May-2021

Progressivism's Beginnings William J. Northen Georgia, as elsewhere, Progressivism was a far more urban-based and middle-class movement than was the Farmers' Alliance of the s or the Populist Party in the s, yet it drew heavily on those agrarian...

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The Progressive Era Test

The Progressive Era Test

Posted on 3-Mar-2021

As the now-dominant political organization in the state, the Democratic Party reflected the interests of an expanding urban middle class, a growing number of professionals in the state's cities, Street Improvement wealthy farmers, and banking, commercial, and industrial interests. Progressive urban reformers in cities like Atlanta and Augusta turned to the principles of business efficiency as a good guide for government. They improved sewer lines and streets, added parks, and undertook city beautification projects.

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Browse History

Browse History

Posted on 4-Mar-2021

The goal was to create more livable cities, though not for all. There was little discussion, at first, of working conditions, hours, or wages for mill, factory, and lumber workers or for domestic servants and the poor. The most important influence on the course of Progressivism was the decision by former Populist leader Tom Watson to endorse the candidacy of Hoke Smith for governor in The political collaboration of the "agrarian rebel" and a wealthy Democratic lawyer from the state's largest city was not an obvious one. It was popular, however, as Watson's endorsement still carried much weight with the state's farmers, while Smith had come out strongly in favor of railroad regulation and improved public schools. Most telling was the fact that both Watson and Smith shared the goal of pushing Blacks entirely out of the state's political system. They saw this step as necessary to promoting public peace and security, eliminating electoral corruption, and allowing the state to move forward in addressing its "real problems.

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Progressive Era Test Review

Progressive Era Test Review

Posted on 1-May-2021

Smith coasted to victory in the general election, and once in office in early , moved quickly on his Gubernatorial Campaign campaign promises. The Georgia General Assembly allocated more education funds and gave the railroad commission broader regulatory powers over railroads to also include electric power companies, street railways, and gas lines.

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Questions And Answers About Progressive Interviews

Questions And Answers About Progressive Interviews

Posted on 5-May-2021

Freight rates were not lowered. The disfranchisement of Blacks was accomplished with the amendment of the Georgia constitution that required citizens to pass a literacy test before voting. The law's inclusion of a "grandfather clause" as well as a property requirement guaranteed that most whites but few Blacks would qualify for the vote. Farm and labor interests continued to call for penal reform, and in the General Assembly, with Smith's strong backing, finally enacted a law prohibiting the convict lease system.

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Progressive Era Test

Progressive Era Test

Posted on 2-Mar-2021

In the Anti-Saloon League formed by evangelical Protestant men organized in Georgia and helped broaden and unify support across the state. In Atlanta concern over saloons that catered to working-class African American men fueled prohibition advocates, who blamed Black saloongoers for rising crime rates in the city. Rumors of intoxicated Black men threatening sexual violence to white women inflamed whites, leading a mob to descend upon the Black community, in what became known as the Atlanta race riot. By , of the state's counties had voted to become dry. That same year the General Assembly passed a statewide prohibition law, the first in the South, that made the manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverages a crime.

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The Progressive Era Worksheet

The Progressive Era Worksheet

Posted on 28-Apr-2021

Over the next several years prohibition forces wrangled over the exceptions in the legislation, which permitted "near beer," the storage of alcohol in lockers in private clubs, and the importation of alcohol from outside the state. In the legislature made possession of alcohol a crime. Amended many times, Georgia's law became the strictest in the nation.

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Antebellum Reform Movements Dbq

Antebellum Reform Movements Dbq

Posted on 4-Apr-2021

Prohibition became national law when the states ratified the Eighteenth Amendment in The law took effect the following year. Education Reform Clay County School nineteenth century most southern children, particularly in rural areas, received little more than an elementary education, which often meant no more than five or six years of schooling, during only three or four months per year, as dictated by the seasonal demands of agricultural work. Only about half of Georgia's children attended school at all. Progressive reformers made the standardization of school attendance a priority, including compulsory attendance laws. Under Hoke Smith's leadership, Georgia's legislature, like those of other southern states, committed funds to the expansion of school facilities and the replacement of one-room schools with consolidated schools, more teachers, and higher grade levels.

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Ch. 9 The Progressive Era Practice Test/Answer Keys

Ch. 9 The Progressive Era Practice Test/Answer Keys

Posted on 23-Mar-2021

In a new Georgia law required school attendance for children between ages eight and fourteen for at least four continuous months a year. In addition to state support, many of these education reforms were funded by northern philanthropic efforts, such as the Southern Education Board, established in , and the General Education Board, a foundation sponsored by philanthropist John D. While Georgia still lagged far behind the rest of the nation, and even much of the South at the end of the Progressive Era, statistics from the early twentieth century indicate substantial improvement. In the average length of the school term was days; in , it had expanded to days. Between and new legislation and amendments to the state constitution incorporated high schools into the public educational system and required that state and local funding Hancock Rosenwald School go toward their support as well as that of elementary schools.

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Progressive Education

Progressive Education

Posted on 27-Mar-2021

Few in-state efforts incorporated Black schools into their reforms, though the northern philanthropic movements often made industrial education for African Americans a priority. Slater Fund provided considerable funding of county training programs for Black teachers of industrial arts. Anna T. The program in Georgia began with six Jeanes teachers and eventually grew to fifty-three by Beginning in , Julius Rosenwald gave money for the construction of more than 5, school buildings for Black children in the rural areas throughout the South, of which were located in Georgia. Public Health Perhaps the greatest challenge facing Georgia during the Progressive Era was the health of its people.

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Unit 14: The Progressive Era

Unit 14: The Progressive Era

Posted on 11-Apr-2021

Some of the most serious problems were caused by living conditions. Almost all of the state's rural homes, and many of those in its cities, lacked any means of sanitary sewage. Impure food, ignorance of the contagious and infectious nature of illnesses, and inadequate medical assistance added to public health risks. Pellagra was a particularly devastating disease caused by poor diet Tuberculosis Sanatorium with little protein. Especially common in rural areas was hookworm, an intestinal disease contracted through bare feet that left its victims in a state of chronic fatigue and debility. One estimate suggests that as many as 53 percent of all rural Georgians carried the disease in the early s. An equally alarming problem, and one common to the state since its founding, was malaria , a mosquito-born disease that can cause fever, chills, exhaustion, and sometimes death.

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7.4 The Progressives

7.4 The Progressives

Posted on 9-Apr-2021

In Georgia ranked fourth nationally in the number of malaria deaths. Georgians were also plagued by smallpox , typhoid fever, venereal disease, and tuberculosis. Solving these problems in the long term would involve a combination of education, medical science, government support, and access to health care. Georgia's first serious step was taken in when the General Assembly created a new state Board of Health.

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Progressive Era Essay

Progressive Era Essay

Posted on 4-Mar-2021

The first board of health existed from to In it developed a bacteriological lab in the basement of the capitol, where it manufactured and distributed typhoid vaccines and diphtheria antitoxins. The health board also joined forces with other southern states and, later, with the Rockefeller Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease in the successful effort to eradicate hookworm.

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A.B. Brosseit - Ch. 9 The Progressive Era Practice Test/Answer Keys

A.B. Brosseit - Ch. 9 The Progressive Era Practice Test/Answer Keys

Posted on 8-Mar-2021

At first, many doctors and public officials were suspicious of the new field of "public health," while the legislature scrimped in allocating funding. Progress was by steps, however, and usually on the heels of an epidemic that underlined the importance of environment and hygiene. In the General Assembly provided for a board of health in every Georgia county. Though at first few counties bothered to participate, by most counties had organized into a statewide public health network. The law also required the state to maintain vital records on the incidence of diseases and deaths—a critical step in identifying public health threats.

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Progressive Era Practice Test Quiz - Quizizz

Progressive Era Practice Test Quiz - Quizizz

Posted on 22-Apr-2021

As important as these first steps were, the public's needs vastly overshadowed the state's capacities. Not until the s and after, when federal programs allocated funds and program expertise to the state, did Georgia engage, and finally begin to solve, its most serious health problems. Women's Activism and Suffrage Campaign One of the more distinguishing features of the Progressive movement in Georgia, as nationwide, was the initiative and increasing leadership taken by women, Black and white, on a variety of fronts.

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Progressive Era Test

Progressive Era Test

Posted on 21-Mar-2021

Most of these were urban-based and middle-class women, eager to move beyond the domestic sphere dictated by Victorian America, who organized and became politically active. White Georgians, such as Helen Dortch Longstreet , Nellie Peters Black , and Julia Flisch , and African Americans, such as Lugenia Burns Hope and Selena Sloan Butler , worked through women's clubs, neighborhood associations primarily Black , and other charitable and civic organizations to raise consciousness and lobby legislators for the reforms they most ardently supported. A number of women were active on several fronts, even when those causes may have seemed contradictory in ideological terms. She crusaded for a state industrial school for girls and for more humane treatment of female prisoners in the state's jails. Yet she was also a leading proponent of more conservative " Lost Cause " efforts to commemorate the Confederacy and Confederate soldiers.

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Gilded Age & Progressive Era Quiz

Gilded Age & Progressive Era Quiz

Posted on 7-Mar-2021

Rebecca Latimer Felton championed prohibition and woman suffrage and attacked the convict lease system, yet she defended cotton mill owners against charges of child labor abuses and defended not only Black disfranchisement but lynching as well. The culmination Parade Vehicle of women's efforts was their campaign to win the right to vote. Georgia's woman suffrage advocates began organizing as early as National leaders and prominent Progressive reformers like Susan B.

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Gilded Age And Progressive Era

Gilded Age And Progressive Era

Posted on 7-Apr-2021

March 4, Taft inaugurated William Howard Taft takes the oath of office, becoming the twenty-seventh President of the United States. Taft had been handpicked by his predecessor, Theodore Roosevelt, and trusted to carry through Theodore Roosevelt's progressivism. Nevertheless, a newfound chill had arisen between the two men, mirroring the frigid temperatures in the capital that day.

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Judy Duchan's History Of Speech - Language Pathology

Judy Duchan's History Of Speech - Language Pathology

Posted on 21-May-2021

March 15, Special session convenes A special session of the United States Congress convenes to consider revision of the tariff. On March 16, Taft sends a special message to Congress urging prompt revision of the tariff. Peary reaches the North Pole. Her recovery lasts approximately one year. June 16, Taft's first message to Congress Delivering a message to Congress, Taft proposes a two-percent tax on the net income of all corporations except banks, which he believes will make up for revenue lost by tariff reductions. He also proposes that Congress adopt a constitutional amendment that would permit the collection of personal federal income taxes.

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The Progressive Era Answer Key -

The Progressive Era Answer Key -

Posted on 19-Mar-2021

July 12, Calling for the Sixteenth Amendment The Senate passes a resolution calling for a Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution, authorizing Congress to collect income taxes. July 15, Negotiation with China Taft cables the Chinese regent Prince Chun, requesting that China grant American investors a share of a loan that had been floated in Europe for the purposes of building a railroad in southern China. The Chinese reluctantly grant the United States investment privileges. September 14, Taft tours the South, Southwest President Taft begins a tour of the southern and western states of the United States.

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Progressive Era | New Georgia Encyclopedia

Progressive Era | New Georgia Encyclopedia

Posted on 13-Apr-2021

November 10, Taft returns from tour Taft returns from his trip across the United States, having made speeches. November 18, Warships to Nicaragua Taft orders two U. The further threat of American force convinces Zelaya to retire on December He also elevates circuit judge Horace H. Lurton to the Supreme Court. Pinchot was a leading conservationist and one of the most recognizable officials in the federal government. March 19, Republican policy victory Representative George Norris, a progressive Republican from Nebraska, wins a major procedural victory in the House of Representatives when that body approves a plan by which the members of the House Rules Committee would be elected by the full House, rather than appointed by the Speaker of the House.

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14 Progressive Era Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes

14 Progressive Era Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes

Posted on 13-May-2021

Hughes of New York to the Supreme Court. May 20, Glavis-Ballinger dispute At a congressional investigation into the Glavis-Ballinger dispute, attorney Louis Brandeis, representing Glavis, reveals damaging information about the Taft administration. Congress clears Ballinger and the Taft administration of any wrongdoing, however. May 31, Injunction on freight rates Taft obtains an injunction to prevent western railroads from raising freight rates. Taft was a fervent anti-trust supporter whose unrelenting anti-trust crusade outmatched even that of Teddy Roosevelt. June 18, Taft snubs Roosevelt Taft elects not to greet Theodore Roosevelt upon the latter's return from Africa, a move that widens the rift between the two men. June 20, TR declines Taft's invitation TR declines Taft's invitation to the White House but praises the President's progress on a number of fronts, including railroad legislation, a postal savings bill, and conservationism.

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Muckrakers (article) | The Age Of Empire | Khan Academy

Muckrakers (article) | The Age Of Empire | Khan Academy

Posted on 22-May-2021

August 31, Roosevelt's "New Nationalism" speech TR returns and delivers the most radical speech of his political career at Osawatomie, Kansas. His program takes American progressivism in a new direction, endorsing conservation, control of trusts, labor protection, and a graduated income tax. It also embraces the growing conviction that the nation must address the plight of children, women, and the underprivileged. September 5, Taft rejects joint honor Taft rejects a proposed dinner, given by the National Conservation Congress, that would honor both himself and TR. In most of these speeches he has utterly ignored me. His attitude toward me is one that I find difficult to understand and explain. November 8, Democrats win seats In congressional elections, Democrats win control of the House of Representatives for the first time since , gaining a to to 1 majority.

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TSHA | Progressive Era

TSHA | Progressive Era

Posted on 9-Mar-2021

In the Senate, Republicans hold a 51 to 41 advantage. Lamar to the Supreme Court. February 7, Saving the seals The United States and Great Britain sign a treaty guaranteeing the preservation and protection of pelagic fur seals in Bering Sea waters. March 2, Investigating postal rates Taft appoints a commission to investigate postal rates for newspapers and magazines; its report helps to convince Congress that a recent rate increase was justified.

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Lesson Quiz 15 1 The Progressive Movement Answer Key

Lesson Quiz 15 1 The Progressive Movement Answer Key

Posted on 8-May-2021

March 7, Mobilizing along Mexican border Taft orders the mobilization of 20, American soldiers along the Mexican border after American ambassador to Mexico Henry Lane Wilson reports that the safety of Americans residing in Mexico may be endangered. Women who worked in very cramped and unsafe conditions stampeded toward inadequate exits; women would die, some even leaping to the pavement hoping to survive. The tragedy highlights the need to provide social justice for immigrant sweatshop workers, and the New York legislature responds by undertaking remedial legislation to ensure better working conditions and provide fire safety measures.

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