P4g Exam Answers

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P4g Exam Answers

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Posted on 15-May-2021

No matter which missions you are completing to save the world, going to school and answering questions correctly are equally mandatory in this game. Doing well in your classroom quizzes, midterm and final exams will also increase your Knowledge...

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P4g Exam Answers

[DOWNLOAD] P4g Exam Answers | updated!

Posted on 8-May-2021

If you manage to get all the answers right, it will help you in the game a lot since a maxed out Knowledge stat is a prerequisite for further progression. So here are all the classroom answers in Persona 4 Golden. These are arranged according to...

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Posted on 15-Mar-2021

Appears on 26th May. Appears on 8th June. Tell me what kind of exercise builds up lactic acid in the muscles! Appears on 13th June. Tell me what morale is! Appears on 15th June. What period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Appears on 20th June. What is identity? Appears on 27th June. Which one of these is the name of a real river — Pis Pis River.

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Posted on 8-May-2021

Question: Which one of these is the name of a real river? Answer: The U. Answer: Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia Question: Which famous Heian-era monk famously used a wrong version of this specific kanji? Answer: Kuukai Question: Which line can a typhoon never cross? Answer: He has no mustache. Answer: Cheerfulness in a group. Answer: Pick the first choice Question 2: In which period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Answer: Meiji Question 1: Which king in a deck of cards is missing a mustache?

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Persona 4 Golden - All Classroom Question And Exam Answers

Persona 4 Golden - All Classroom Question And Exam Answers

Posted on 16-May-2021

Answer: King of hearts Question 2: Who said this: "Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed? Answer: Brisk Question: How short was history's shortest war? Answer: 40 minutes.

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Persona 4 Golden Guide: All Classroom Answers

Persona 4 Golden Guide: All Classroom Answers

Posted on 20-May-2021

Question: Which one of these is the name of a real river? Answer: The U. Declaration of Independence July 13 Question: What is the medical term for brain freeze? Answer: Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia choice 3 July 14 Question: Which famous Heian-era monk famously used a wrong version of this specific kanji? Answer: Kuukai Question: Which line can a typhoon never cross? Answer: The Equator July 16 Question: Tell me what makes the king of hearts look different from the other kings in a standard deck of cards? Like the midterm period, you can't do anything else during the exams. Unlike the midterms, there aren't really any curveball questions here, though Level 4 Knowledge is still required to ace the last day of the finals.

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Classroom / Test Answers (US Ver.)

Classroom / Test Answers (US Ver.)

Posted on 5-Mar-2021

Answer: Cheerfulness in a group Question 2: What sport is heikin-dai? Answer: First choice Question 2: In which period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Answer: Meiji Question 1: Which king in a deck of cards is missing a mustache? Answer: Pascal Question 1: Which one of these is the name of a real river? Scores are posted on July Persona 4 Class Answers: September Enjoy your two months off from school, 'cause it's back to the grind in September. September 4 Question: "Venison" is the meat of which animal? Answer: All of the above September 5 Question: Which of the following is a kigo for fall? Answer: Brisk Question: How short was history's shortest war? Answer: A nonagenarian September 28 Question: What part of the human body has an apple in it? Friend question: Do you know the answer? Answer: Throat Persona 4 Class Answers: October October brings with it a new set of midterms as well as plenty of questions.

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Persona 4 Golden Classroom Answers

Persona 4 Golden Classroom Answers

Posted on 25-May-2021

Answer: Geometric shapes November 4 Question: Who can tell me what kind of bird a kanko-dori is?? Answer: No country Question: What desert is the Welwitschia from? Friend question: Is that even in a textbook? Answer: Bride ale Do you know what an atlas is? Answer: A book of maps November 24 Question: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, What is this sequence called? Answer: Geometric shapes Question 1: Who is buried in the biggest pyramid in Egypt? Answer: Khufu Question 2: What is a book of maps called? Answer: No country Question 2: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, Answer: Mochi Persona 4 Class Answers: December School goes on, despite everything else apparently going straight to hell.

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Posted on 8-Apr-2021

Answer: Bury the demons January 19 Question: In the Thai and Vietnamese zodiacs, which animal is used in place of the rabbit? Answer: Cat Question: What color is the snow that falls in Europe in the spring? February 1 Question: What color were the pyramids originally? Answer: Beta Question 2: How was the theory that the pyramids were built by slaves disproven? Answer: Toso Question 2: What is the medical term for brain freeze? Answer: Turnips Question 1: What color were the pyramids when they were first built? Answer: White Question 2: What gets mixed with snow in Europe that sometimes causes it to turn red? Results go up on Valentine's Day, and then you're free from school. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Persona 4 Golden guides in the coming days.

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Persona 4 Golden: All Classroom Question And Exam Answers

Persona 4 Golden: All Classroom Question And Exam Answers

Posted on 12-Mar-2021

Answer: Cheerfulness in a group Question 2: What sport is heikin-dai? Answer: First choice Question 2: In which period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Answer: Meiji Question 1: Which king in a deck of cards is missing a mustache? Answer: Pascal Question 1: Which one of these is the name of a real river? Scores are posted on July Persona 4 Class Answers: September Enjoy your two months off from school, 'cause it's back to the grind in September. September 4 Question: "Venison" is the meat of which animal? Answer: All of the above September 5 Question: Which of the following is a kigo for fall? Answer: Brisk Question: How short was history's shortest war? Answer: A nonagenarian September 28 Question: What part of the human body has an apple in it?

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Persona 4 Golden - Test Answers For November And December

Persona 4 Golden - Test Answers For November And December

Posted on 26-Apr-2021

Friend question: Do you know the answer? Answer: Throat Persona 4 Class Answers: October October brings with it a new set of midterms as well as plenty of questions. October 4 Question: Which of these sports also uses an anchor? Answer: Tug-of-war October 5 Question: Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country? Friend question: Did you know the answer? Answer: The right edge. Question: Tell me what bird's name means "coward" in English! Answer: Chicken Question: What did Napoleon have invented?

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Persona 4 Golden All Classroom Pop Quiz And Test Answers Guide

Persona 4 Golden All Classroom Pop Quiz And Test Answers Guide

Posted on 18-Mar-2021

Answer: Turnips Question: What kind of fish was I talking about? Like before, you need level 4 Knowledge to pass the final day, but that shouldn't be a big deal by this point in the game. Question 2: Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country? Question 1: How short was history's shortest war? Answer: 40 minutes Question 2: "Venison" is the meat of which animal? No questions for the last day of exams, and the results go up on October Persona 4 Class Answers: November You're nearing the end of the year, but there's still plenty of questions to answer and another round of finals. Answer: Geometric shapes November 4 Question: Who can tell me what kind of bird a kanko-dori is?? Answer: No country Question: What desert is the Welwitschia from?

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Persona 4 Golden Answers: Complete Classroom Question-answer Guide

Persona 4 Golden Answers: Complete Classroom Question-answer Guide

Posted on 2-Apr-2021

Friend question: Is that even in a textbook? Answer: Bride ale Do you know what an atlas is? Answer: A book of maps November 24 Question: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, What is this sequence called? Answer: Geometric shapes Question 1: Who is buried in the biggest pyramid in Egypt? Answer: Khufu Question 2: What is a book of maps called?

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Persona 4 Golden All School Quiz Question And Exam Answer Guide

Persona 4 Golden All School Quiz Question And Exam Answer Guide

Posted on 2-May-2021

Answer: No country Question 2: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, Answer: Mochi Persona 4 Class Answers: December School goes on, despite everything else apparently going straight to hell. Here's what you need to know for this month's round of questions. Check under Nanako's seat at the living room table for a special item too. Answer: Transparent Question: What determines whether a hair grows curly or straight?

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All Persona 4 Golden School Quiz Answers | Game Rant

All Persona 4 Golden School Quiz Answers | Game Rant

Posted on 15-Mar-2021

Friend question: Huh? I wasn't listening Answer: Compassion makes you look better December 21 Question: Which Cleopatra is the one who was known as one of the three most beautiful women in the world? January 10 Question: What are you supposed to put on top of a kagami mochi? Answer: Bury the demons January 19 Question: In the Thai and Vietnamese zodiacs, which animal is used in place of the rabbit?

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All November/December Classroom & Exam Answers In Persona 4 Golden

All November/December Classroom & Exam Answers In Persona 4 Golden

Posted on 3-Mar-2021

Answer: Cat Question: What color is the snow that falls in Europe in the spring? February 1 Question: What color were the pyramids originally? Answer: Beta Question 2: How was the theory that the pyramids were built by slaves disproven? Answer: Toso Question 2: What is the medical term for brain freeze? Answer: Turnips Question 1: What color were the pyramids when they were first built? Answer: White Question 2: What gets mixed with snow in Europe that sometimes causes it to turn red? Results go up on Valentine's Day, and then you're free from school. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Persona 4 Golden guides in the coming days.

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Test Answers - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Golden Wiki Guide - IGN

Test Answers - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Golden Wiki Guide - IGN

Posted on 4-May-2021

Q: Which famous Heian-era monk famously used a wrong version of this specific kanji? A: Kuukai Q: Which line can a typhoon never cross? A: He has no mustache. A1: The first option Q2: In which period did Japan first implement bonus pay? A2: Meiji Q1: Which king in a deck of cards is missing a mustache? A2: Pascal Q1: Which one of these is the name of a real river? A2: The U. A: A nonagenarian Q: What part of the human body has an apple in it? A: Chicken Q: What did Napoleon have invented?

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Persona 4 Golden: All Classroom Question And Exam Answers - GamePretty

Persona 4 Golden: All Classroom Question And Exam Answers - GamePretty

Posted on 17-Apr-2021

A: Glass jars Q: Do you know what vegetable was used to make the first jack-o-lantern? A: Turnips Q: What kind of fish was I just talking about? A1: Throat Q2: Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country? A1: 40 minutes.

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Persona 4 Golden - Test Answers For June And July | TheGamer

Persona 4 Golden - Test Answers For June And July | TheGamer

Posted on 1-Mar-2021

This guide will provide all the answers for November and October during class time or during exams. The player will spend the majority of their time in the real world while in the classroom. Here, the player can answer questions from their teachers and help out struggling friends with their academics. These are unavoidable, so players should pay attention to selecting the right answer. Although, the player takes control of the character right after the lecture is over, missing most of the important content. No worries, as this guide will provide all of the answers for the classroom and its exams from November to October in Persona 4 Golden. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. While outside of the TV World , the player can explore the area and participate in certain activities.

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Persona 4 Golden - Test Answers For April And May | TheGamer

Persona 4 Golden - Test Answers For April And May | TheGamer

Posted on 19-Mar-2021

This can consist of going to restaurants, going to tourist areas, playing games, and more. Each of these social skills helps the protagonist become a more well-rounded person, and the NPCs love a well-rounded person. Certain characters won't even speak to the protagonist without reaching a certain social level. Fortunately, the player can level up their Knowledge while in the classroom. Here are all the answers for November and December. Correctly answering will build up Knowledge and certain social links. Answer: Geometric Shapes. Answer: A cuckoo. Answer: No country. Answer: Namib. Answer: Bride ale. Answer: A book of maps. Answer: Fibonacci Sequence. Answer: Khufu. Answer: Mochi. Answer: Italian Food. Answer: KhufuQuestion 2 - What is a book of maps called? Answer: Bridal. Answer: No Country. Question 2 - 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13… What is this sequence called? Answer: The Fibonacci Sequence. Answer: Transparent. Answer: The cross-section.

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School Test And Quiz Answers - Persona 4 Golden Guide - Underbuffed

School Test And Quiz Answers - Persona 4 Golden Guide - Underbuffed

Posted on 25-Mar-2021

Answer: Compassion makes you look better. Answer: VII. Persona 4 Golden is like plenty of other Persona titles, where real-life situations affect what happens in the fictional world. Although, the classroom can be frustrating if the player does not have a guide. There are no context clues to help the player select the correct answers.

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